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5 Antworten auf “Orgelkonzert Kathedrale Gent, Belgien: 73rd International Organfestival”

  1. Harrie Houkes

    I hope the recording of the afternoon rehearsel was oke? Loved the Bach piece. We couldn’t visit the evening concert, but luckely we found your socials.


    • Ann-Helena Schlüter

      Yes it was wonderful Thank you ❤️
      I will put it soon on YouTube

  2. Günther Kaluz

    Deutsch-Schwedische Invasion in Belgien.
    Wie schön!
    1. BWV 542 g-moll Fantasie und Fuge Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

    2. Fantasie f-moll KV 608 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

    3. Längtan (Sehnsucht) Ann-Helena Schlüter (1986)

    4. Fantasia II (Laudes II) Sunday Music Petr Eben (1929-2007)

    5. Sonate d-Moll Nr 1 August Gottfried Ritter (1811-1885)

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