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International Press

International press reviews, references, recommendations:
organist, pianist, poet

Press review selection:
‘Pianistic fireworks and virtuoso organist!’ (Pizzicato Luxembourg)

Hervorragende Organistin im Konzert hier in Halverde.

Reinhard Bamming, IVZ, Ibbenbüren, 2022

Orgelkonzert in besonderer Atmosphäre. Sie begeistert nicht nur an der Seifert Orgel.

Heinz Baumann, Die Glocke, Münsterland, Freckenhorst 2022

“Organ meets poetry: Ann-Helena Schlüter enriches the Nürtingen Organ Days 2021 with poetry, her own works, Romanticism and Bach. She is one of the rare artists of her time

pm, NTZ Nürtinger Zeitung 2021

Wechselbad der Gefühle!

Lokale Kultur Nürtingen, Wendlinger Zeitung 2021

Master of the pipes: Ann-Helena Schlüter tours East Westphalia.

Elke Niedringhaus-Haasper, Neue Westfälische, Oktober 2021

Master of the pipes! In order to make the organ palatable also for young people, women and girls, the concert organist resorts to modern means on the net.

Bad Oeynhausener Kurier 2021

Eine Poetin der Orgel. Die renommierte Virtuosin mit Lyrik, Bach als grandiosem Schlusspunkt.

Hans-Günther Driess, NTZ Esslingen/Nürtingen 2021

Geschenk zum Dreikönigsfest: Multitalent Ann-Helena Schlüter begeistert mit einem Konzert.

Bamming, Hopsten. Rheine 2021

Lyrik, Musik, Malerei: Spiritueller Kreuzweg.

adi, Saarbrücker Zeitung 2021

Gleich zweimal konzertierte die Ausnahmemusikerin mit eigenen Gedichten in der Pfalz.

Cordula von Waldow, Zweibrücker Zeitung/Homburger Nachrichten 2021

Vorfreude auf ein wahres Multitalent, die schwedisch-deutsche Künstlerin Ann-Helena Schlüter. So vielfältig kann Orgel sein.

Cordula von Waldow, Pfälzischer Merkur 2021

Multi Talent in Heilig Kreuz. … Abstrakte Gemälde, Live-Stream ins Internet, Lyrik und Musik.

Wille, Die Rheinpfalz. Zweibrücker Rundschau 2021

Geistig-spirituelle Umsetzung des Kreuzweges an der berühmten Rieger-Orgel.

Saarbrücker Zeitung/Pfalz 2021

Außergewöhnliche Forscherin.

Armin Langer 2021, Mozarteum Salzburg/Innsbruck

‘Bach Festival 2021: Bach beckons after long Corona break: Ann-Helena Schlüter gives guest performances in Arnstadt and Dornheim.’

Thüringer Allgemeine 2021

Malfunctioning organ: my second great love.

Zeitzeichen 2021

Cultural ambassador and well-known organist.

MDR Thüringen, 2021

Redemptive sounds in the pandemic. Organ versus Pandemic.

Sunday Saxony Leipzig, 2021

Multi-talented and specialist.

Silke Schmid, Freiburg, 2021

Great musicality.

LB, Audite, 2021

Fresh and innovative organ performance.

Stefan Seidel, 2021

Very touching.

Theophil Heinke, Trost Orgel Thüringen, 2021

Exceptionally beautiful music.

Jens Gerold, Radio Thüringen, 2021

Concert organist and concert pianist, versatile and performing internationally.

Anton Cupak, Online Merker, 2020

Wunderbares Gastspiel. Panischer Pandemie-Tanz auf der Orgel

Janka, OvB, 2020

Ann-Helena Schlüter begeistert Publikum

Gawehns, shz, 2020

Pfeifen in den höchsten Höhen. Beim dritten “Sommerlichen Orgelkonzert” in Erlangen beeindruckte die Organistin Ann-Helena Schlüter

R. Kalb, HEN Kultur, 2020

40. Bochumer Orgeltage: “Ich musste ganz schön Gas geben mit der Orgel” (AHS)

Holger Groß, Stadtspiegel, Lokalkompass 2020

Besinnlicher Orgelabend: Leise und schwere Töne.

Eva Arndt, Walter Fischer, waz Hattingen, 2020

Die Literatin mit ihrem Dreigestirn Musik, Lyrik und visueller Kunst: Es geht unter die Haut.

Heilbronn, Konzert an der Plum-Orgel 2020

Balm for your soul in these straining pandemic times: Contemplative organ evening at Burg Blankenstein with the concert organist.

Eva Arndt, Lokalkompass Hattingen, Bochumer Orgeltage 2020

Virtuoso and heart-warming, an artist at the piano and the organ.

Kampen, Wilhelmshavener Zeitung 2020

Intimately soft registrations in Stade … her own work is a high performance painting of sounds with interesting effects … the middle tones of the organ are very pleasant.

Wolfgang Gourgé, Hamburg 2020

A blessed child in the musical field. I do not know any artist who is still touring so often in Corona times.

Andreas Böttger, BOEGAZIN Magazin 2020

Bach festival 2021: Schlüter playing historical organs

Thüringer Allgemeine 2021

Her composition Pandemic Dance was the highlight of the evening! A charming energy within the church.

Hattinger News 2020

The Bochum organ days very successful and virtuous with the Blankenstein music of the evening with Ann-Helena Schlüter.

Walter Fischer, waz 2020

A fantastic organ concert!

Holger Grosz, Stadtspiegel Hattingen 2020

Pipes in the highest tones. Organist impresses with her own, gentle dissonances in Erlangen.

Reinhard Kalb, Erlanger Nachrichten 2020

Intellectual and emotional organ performance … the pure pleasure of playing, transparent and meticulous at the same time.

R.W.,, 2020

Ann-Helena Schlüter performs at the Bochumer Orgeltagen 2020.

Wolfgang Frase,, 2020

Ann-Helena Schlüter enthuses the audience.

Kammholz, Fehmarn24, 2020

Deep, virtuoso Bach Passacaglia, intensive, energetic colours!

Rainer Janka, Oberbayerisches Volksblatt Rosenheim, Münchner Merkur 2020

Exceptional talent!

Würzburger Kultur 2020, 2021

Charming rounds, elegant organ performance, shimmering compositions.

Brigitte Wintzen, Heiligenhafener Post 2020

Organ virtuoso: Pandemic Dance – her own, mysterious organ compositions in St. Laurentius Spessart.

A. Wolf, Main-Echo 2020

Impressive radiance, a wonderful concert and mastered Bach’s rhythmic diversity!

Martin Harth, Mainpost, September 2020

Virtuoso organ concert with own compositions and old masters, clearly played.

inFranken, Erlanger Nachrichten 2020

Brilliant Beethoven evening in Möchengladbach, a surprise programme, lively, with a Moonlight sonata played so wonderful, as (I had) seldom heard before.

Holdmeier, Rheinische Post 2020

A package full of grand emotion, talent and personality.

Ari Rasilainen, Dirigent (Finnland) 2020

Himmelskt vackra låtar. Double talent at piano and organ and beautiful own songs.

Svenska Kyrka Starrkärr-Kilanda 2020

The large organ with great range an down words, brought to our attention efficiently and new.

Barbara Glowatzki, Windsheimer Zeitung 2020

Such sounds were never to be heard at the large organ in St. Kilian Bad Windsheim. A very enthusing organ concert and a real highlight in these difficult times.

Fränkische Landeszeitung 2020

Brilliant Beethoven concerts!

Deutsche Radio-Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern 2020

An all-round talent with expressive poetry, chansons and novels.

Hans-Werner Durau, Verlagsleiter SCM-Verlagsgruppe 2020

Bach-Konzert in Arnstadt an der Bach-Orgel und in Dornheim: Poesie an der Orgel auf dem Bach-Festival.

Rondomagazin 2020

Concert in Hamm: Her compositions reflect her as a musician and human, a fascinating, touching, new world of sound, literature and music. While performing Mozart, the organ sounded like a glass harp. Organist and instrument became one. Blessed.

Sebastian Kaldewey, Westfälischer Anzeiger 2020

Diverse and competent expert jury in cooperation with the Bechstein Centre and the scholastic centre for the musically gifted.

Neumann/Berner-Stiftung Frankfurt am Main 2020

Bachs Kunst der Fuge als besinnliches Orgelkonzert und Poesie in Heiligenstadt. Hochformat! Als Zugabe eigene Werke mit schwedischen Melodien.

Fränkischer Tag November 2019

Impressive concert reading by the author on the four martyrs, on Fallbeil, hope, faith: free as the birds.

Ostfriesenzeitung und Wecker Leer November 2019

“Great virtuoso on the organ. Impressive contrasts. Bach and her own expressive compositions with vigorous energy, technique and delicacy.”

Rainer Sliepen, Wolfenbütteler Zeitung Oktober 2019

‚Vivid colours, virtuoso performance at the concert of 30 Jahre Sauer-Orgel.’

Krafczyk, Ostthüringer Zeitung OTZ Oktober 2019

‚A full house, standing ovations, brilliant and virtuoso organ performance of the organist and pianist in Schriesheim.’

Katharina Schröder, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung Region Heidelberg 2019

‚Peace Culture: Ann-Helena Schlüter and her novel Free as the Birds: Peace Motivates Thinkers and Artists. Recommendable and movingly narrated.” (Evangelische Kirche Deutschland) 2019

‘Delightful and vibrantly poetic!’

Manuela Neumann, Class: aktuell zur neuen Bach-CD FANTASIAS & DUETTS

‘She is a synthesis of art: Bach’s Musical Sacrifice played with inner calmness, finely differentiated, unpretentious, authentic, exhaling embers and serenity.’

Remy Franck, ICMA, Pizzicato Luxemburg zur neuen CD und Interview

‘Excellent performer: the German-Swedish organist and pianist in Curinga, southern Italy, in her organ recital at the Marienkirche Terme Romane di Curinga on the historic Tamburelli organ from 1845.’

Cesare Natale Cesareo, 2019

‚Brilliant organist!‘

Salvatore Pronesti, Pizzo, Italien (Organist und Orgelbauer)

“Great literary potential.”

Glaré-Verlag Frankfurt am Main 2020

‚Master class pianist in Heilbronn‘

Newstral Böckingen 2020

‚Fascinating variety of sound and a glamorous concert: brilliant organ playing on the large cathedral organ with 3500 pipes and a glittering performance on the Steinway by the young German-Swedish pianist and organist. The visitors rose from their benches and thanked the extraordinary talent with minutes of applause.’

Werner Volkmar, Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung 2019

‚An extraordinary artist at the organ!’

Mannheimer Morgen 2019

‚One of those exceptional artists who were, at all times, very hard to find.’

Jürgen Ahnend Orgelbau 2020

‚Masterly, brillant, sensitive performance.‘

Märkische Allgemeine Brandenburg 2019

‚Dances on the keys! Great creative energy, emotional performance.’

Nürnberger Nachrichten 2019

‚Top-class Bach performer.‘

NDR Kultur 2019

‘Poetry, sensitive music and their common artistic poetry:
I marvel at the musical, poetic talents of this artist!”

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zimmer, Ludwigsburg 2019

“Reading and music: humorous observations of a successful pianist, autobiographical short stories, amazing variations, profound technique also in writing.”

Berliner Woche 2019

“A Versatile artist.”

Gabi Szarvas, Saarländischer Rundfunk Kulturradio SR 2020

“Alle Register und fein-fragile Kunst. Orgeltalent beeindruckte. Intensives, musikalisches Empfinden, eine Fülle von Schönheit, ereignisreiches Konzert.”

Irmgard Baur, Nordbayerischer Kurier

‚The highlight of the day was a great experience: a wonderful book presentation in Berlin!’

Morgenpost und Tagesspiegel Berlin

‚The classical concert at the Academy of Music in Bethlehem and at the Talitha Kumi Chapel Beit Jala was brillant, also her teaching.’

Reem Handal, Talitha Kumi Beit Jala, Palestine

‘Highly talented and exceptional pianist.‘

Prof. Bernd Glemser

‚Bach’s Goldberg Variations in an extraordinary form, a colourful sound experience at Michael-Praetorius-Platz in front of 400 people.’

Braunschweiger Zeitung 2019

‘Bensheim Organ Weeks in the Michaelskirche: you can’t get more versatile in musicality than organist and artist Ann-Helena Schlüter. In matters Bach, a real address.’

Bergsträßer Anzeiger Bensheim 2018

‚Master organist Ann-Helena Schlüter played works by Bach and Liszt’s B-A-C-H alongside her own compositions in the masterful concert on the 2nd Sunday of Lent in Lauingen.’

Nachrichten Dillingen 2019

‚Leipzig live: Bach and Beethoven perfectly played in the festival hall of the Gohliser Schlösschen, unpretentious, poetic, clear and with little pedal.’

Mathias Orbeck, Leipziger Volkszeitung

‘Unfinished and brilliant: pianist Ann-Helena Schlüter and Bach’s Kunst der Fuge (Art of the Fugue). Unsurpassed, mysterious, and also the Swedish-German Steinway and Schumann Prize winner.’

Soester Anzeiger

‘Synthesis of art and still much to expect.’

Hendrik Ahrend, Orgelfirma Ahrend, Orgelbauer, 2020

‚Top-class concert in the Jacobikirche Döbeln. The former Glemser student is enchanting.’

LVZ 2018

“Masterly music: the renowned concert pianist and organist Ann-Helena Schlüter travelled to the Danube by invitation and made her debut in the Albert Magnus City in a highly acclaimed concert.”

Gideon Zoryiku, Donau Zeitung 2019

“Composer at St. Nicolai Bad Blankenburg: brilliant, contemporary, own poetry, warm-toned sound splendour.”

maha, Ostthüringer Zeitung

“International classical music with Ann-Helena Schlüter in Stadtoldendorf: the classical music fans of the region were able to enjoy an excellent concert on Bach’s birthday during the summer holidays.”

r, TAH

‚200 artists from 32 countries are competing in this year’s international ARD competition in Munich. The young Schlüter Duo, the two Schlüter sisters from Nuremberg, are participating!’

Eckart Querner, Tagesthemen/Rundschau München

‘Powerful, expressive, poetic. Master diploma concert pianist with brilliant technique: in romantic as well as baroque music.’

Prof. Hermann Rauhe, Hamburg

‘West Leipzig has a good reputation culturally. The pianist Ann-Helena Schlüter reads and plays in the HelHEIM and talks about Bach: Listening to Bach is healthy for the soul. In portrait.’

Ray Voltez, 3viertel Leipzig

‚Musical all-round talent in Egrenzingen: music and poetry fertilised by each other – the artist peformed in Haus Anker Altensteig and at the Liebfrauenhöhe: music serving as a bridge to God.’

Dieter Braun, Schwarzwälder Bote

“Sensational multi-award winning German-Swedish pianist makes her Melbourne Concert Debut in outstanding performances.”

The Guardian Australia

‘An exceptional combination of talents.‘

Roland Kunz, SR und SRW 2020

‚Praising God through all tones: concert in the Main valley, the Würzburg organist and pianist at the Orgeltag 2016. Crazy for Bach!’

frm, Hanauer Anzeiger

‘Of roots and wings: Masterfully played Bach fugues with great musical differentiation from the Nuremberg-born organist. Bach has power, she says.’

Magdalena Hechtel, Neustädter Zeitung 2018

‘The award-winning, linguistically gifted pianist delighted young and old.’

Döbelner Allgemeine Zeitung 2018

‘Bach’s Kunst der Fuge (Art of the Fugue): On Easter Sunday, the artful fabric of fugue art performed on the grand piano with great seriousness and heartfelt enthusiasm: weightless and reflected interpretation.’

Beate Krannich, Gmünder Tagespost

‚The artist knows how to touch the audience deeply with intimate and emotional playing.’

‘Poetry with music at Burkardushaus: a poet teaches verse, rhythm, rhyme and poetry.’

Ralph Heringlehner, Mainpost Würzburg 2019

‘Double talent at the organ and piano at the Riddagshäuser Orgelsommer!’

Braunschweiger Kultur 2018

‘I will follow this musician with great interest.’

Prof. Hans-Ola Ericsson (Schweden), McGill University Kanada 2019

‚Top-class pianist.‘


‘Admirable sovereignty and at the same time hardly restrained joy of playing and exuberance.’

Rene Karich, Deutsches Christliches Fernsehen, Leipzig (dcf)

‘She transports mood and sound with poetry and proves her true mastery here.’

Johanna Greß, Leipzig

‘You left the concert with the feeling that you had seen more than one concert. A refreshment! The young pianist played with exquisite suppleness. It was a pleasure to watch her.’

Erna Rauscher-Steves, SWT, Schweinfurt

“She is influenced by distinguished teachers in Germany, accomplished many degrees, is teaching, is a much sought after concert pianist and extends her artistic talents into writing and concert organ. Classically alive.”

Hans Schroeder, Australian Bach Society Melbourne

‚This artist radiates from within, a creative super talent, a bridge builder! With the encore, the virtuoso jazz piece Memphis Stomp by Dave Grusin, Ann-Helena Schlüter thrilled her audience.’

Renate Freyeisen, Leporello 2018

‘Being a bold bridge for young people!’


‘Gifted pianist in Heiligenstadt, her hands dance on the keys! Artistic knowledge in her hands and a tender touch.’

Katja Tschirwitz, Fränkischer Tag, Fränkische Landeszeitung

‘Master class pianist with lightness and tenderness. The pianist also made a bella figura as a lecturer: the top-class guest gave a concert, the hall was stock-still.’

Ahlener Zeitung

‚She plays the Goldberg Variations as a piece of art completed in itself.’

Prof. Christoph Bossert, HfM Würzburg, zur Bach-CD

‚The poet and artist Ann-Helena Schlüter is considered an authority on the keyboard works of Bach; she often features her own compositions on her concert programs.’

San Francisco Chronicle 2018

‚Piano monumental: you like listening to her own compositions very much, an eruptive rambling.‘

Corinna Ries, Sachsen Fernsehen Leipzig

‚Musical notes who receive wings: the artist performs on the Landesgartenschau in the open air on the Himmelsterrasse (heaven terrace).’

Bad Essen,

‚Beethoven in perfection: she is young, unconventional, creative and enthused her audience.’

Anja Seeberg, Wochenkurier Hagen und

‚A demanding, highly virtuosic concert at the Leipzig Academy of Music on the Steinway B and in the Gohliser Schlösschen – she has recorded eight CDs since 2009; musicology and musical education are other focal points of her life.’

Stefan Seidel,

‘Effortless, inexhaustible organ playing with brilliant piano technique.’

Domleschger Zeitung Graubünden, Thusis 2019

‘Keyboard Playing: Ann-Helena Schlüter in class with children, young people and adults. The pianist made the large group listen to each other until the knot to creativity burst.’

Katharina Erschov, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

‘Ann-Helena Schlüter started with her melodic art already at the age of four years.’

Susanne Hanke, Hannoversche Allgemeine

‚Devoted and unconventional composer.‘


‚Her concert was a highlight! Impressive hours with Bach.’

Fürther Nachrichten 2018

‚Highly virtuoso piano performance in the Bergkirche Bahlingen! Started at the age of four already, an exciting curriculum. She enthused her audience.’

‚From the treasure Die Kunst der Fuge (The Art of the Fugue) in Meissenheim – an evening targeted to Bach’s music.’

Christiane Franz, Badische Zeitung 2017, 2018

“An outstanding pianist with many awards to her credit. Her artistic talents include lyrics and even painting.”

Herald Sun Melbourne

‚As Bach is her heart’s composer, his preludes and fugues are logically psalms for her. Her interpretation of the WTK I is full of grace and inventiveness. Making music without limits- the many faces of Ann-Helena Schlüter.’

Naxos Blog, Salvatore

“Beautiful Bach.”

Jens F. Laurson, Forbes @ Classical Critic

‚Plain, clear, spirited performance.‘

Crescendo Magazin für Klassik

‚She is a synthesis of art.’

Prof. Dr. Peter Lampe, Universität Heidelberg

‚In the end, Bach’s beauty and effervescent charm remain in your memory. Glowing and thrillingly impulsive.’

Kreuzer, Leipzig 2018

‘Every generation searches anew for J.S. Bach. Ann-Helena Schlüter has succeeded. Her interpretation is comparable to Barenboim.‘

Fono Forum/CLASS 2017

‘Winged words as a language of the soul.’

Detlef M. Plaisier, Lesekabinett Leipzig

‚How well the two work together – music and poetry, this could once again be heard live on Saturday at the Landesgartenschau in Bad Essen. The concert was recorded and broadcast on OS Radio with a time delay. This gave the notes wings towards the weekend. Whoever wants to fly along: Ann-Helena will gladly take everyone along. The Himmelsterrasse: a large terrace built exclusively for the Landesgartenschau at the edge of the forest of the new Bad Essen Kur- und Solepark with a magnificent view: this place connects heaven and earth in an unusual and at the same time very specific way.’

Imma Schmidt, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

‘Young Würzburg woman in the big classical world. The audience marvelled at her dexterity: virtuoso Bach and contemplative organ reveries. Her moderations on Bach’s life are touching. She builds a closeness to the audience with her personality.’

gizo, Mainpost Kultur. Würzburg, Gemünden, Karlstadt am Main 2018

‘Exceptional organist performed on the Silbermann organ with local musicians.’

Paul-Georg Weber, Lahrer Zeitung 2018

‚Her CDs are very good, on a high musical level! Raw, original. Her voice has a high recognition factor, authentic, Nordic and is high-level.’

Volker Grüner, musik & message

‚Gifted pianist and exceptional poet – the Swedish language in her melodies.’

M. Hussong, Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung

‚Concert revenues for the refugee aid – a beneficial concert with an exceptional talent and radiance. The mayor was present, too. The audience was able get inspired.’

Daniel Junker, Astrid Köhler, Hannoversche Allgemeine

“Bach expert and ‘Bach’s girl’ gives a guest performance: she specialized in the works of Bach. In the Thomaskirche Aulendorf she played brilliantly under the theme Soli Deo Gloria.”

MAR, Schwäbische Zeitung

‘A very good four-handed performance: The duo Ann-Helena and Magdalena Schlüter ran away from all the others with high virtuosity.’

Georg Bochardt, Die Welt

‘Newcomer of the year!’

Ralf Duggen, Festival Umsonst & Draussen Würzburg

‚No doubt about it: young virtuoso keyboard tigers, Ann-Helena and Magdalena Schlüter, played clearly, stylistically confident and with a dashing tempo.’

hk, Stadtanzeiger Bad Dürkheim

‚Language and music, the siblings in the field of communication, meet in the poetry and music of Ann-Helena Schlüter. ‚Language and music, the siblings in the field of communication, meet in the poetry and music of Ann-Helena Schlüter. Both are connected by the longing for the timeless state of lightness, the dream of floating with wings – or on wings of songs, like birds. Vividness, imagination and the joy of discovery in their ‘attempt on the true kind’! I wish for a clairaudient audience as a sounding board!’

Prof. Arne Torger, Weimar, Würzburg

‘Bühl: Her skills are remarkable. Mozart sonatas were masterfully interpreted. She is spot on in terms of poetry and music.’

Kirschner, Badisches Tagblatt

‚A bridge between classical music and young people – a musician since her early childhood, full of energy and music.’

FRIZZ Magazin Würzburg

‚A versatile and splendidly educated artist.’

Prof. Torsten Laux, Düsseldorf

“Virtuose Hände, lange blonde Haare, ein schönes Lächeln und mit Gott in Kontakt – die Pianistin Ann-Helena Schlüter, deren Tag mehr als 24 Stunden zu haben scheint.”

Inge Wollschläger, Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt aus Bayern 2018

‚Exquisite, inciting, strikingly cheerful and lighthearted performance. Fire woman.’

Paul-Georg Weber, Löbauer Zeitung

‘Winged words as a soul language. Art stories and poetry; first you have to feel, experience before you write, says the poet.’

Kerstin Schorpp, Mainpost Würzburg

‚The piano duo performed brilliantly and emotional in the music hall.’

Heinz Forgber, Hamburger Abendblatt

‚Unsurpassable music found in Bach, an intelligent, spiritual woman, quasi born to be a professional musician.’

Dr. Ute Zintarra, ERF Medien, Calando Radio

‚As pianist at the Rudert-Festival, and now performing Bach’s Kunst der Fuge (Art of the Fugue) on the queen of instruments: an impressive experience in the Tabor Church.’

Hele, Schwarzwälder Bote 2017

‚World class at the piano.’

Neue Oberaargauer Zeitung, Schweiz)

‚Ann-Helena Schlüter is one of the classical music stars of the present time. The frequent traveler and piano virtuoso with German-Swedish roots carrying books in her piano case feels Leipzig’s history ‘in the air’ when she is in town. ‘Art will always prevail’.’

Volly Tanner, FRIZZ Magazin Leipzig und Tanners Terrasse Leipzig

‘Enthusiastic applause for spicy pointed and effective playing.’

Otto Strodel, Fränkische Landeszeitung

‘Against the current: the young literary artist at the Kunstverein Arnsberg. Brushstrokes, letters, musical notes: unification.‘

Michael Schenk, Sauerlandkurier

‚Very musical performer of great compositions.’

Markus Popp, Dirigent, Würzburg, Mainfrankentheater

‘The organist captivated her audience with Bach’s Wohltemperiertes Klavier (Well-Tempered Clavier) on the organ in Rottenburg for sacred evening music.’

Theresa Müller, Stuttgarter Zeitung 2018

‘The pianist seems to almost feel the music: In the Sandgathe hall, the internationally successful artist played Beethoven, Chopin, Bach and her own pieces on the Steinway. An evening with the attribute valuable!’

Vorhelm, Ahlen 2019

‘An exceptional talent!’

Kölner Stadtanzeiger

‚Exuberant joy of playing, virtuosity, elegance.’

Bayerischer Rundfunk

‚Graceful performance, a natural, spontaneous musicality.’

Prof. Martin Zenck, Bamberg/Würzburg

‚Classics, too, mostly remained within the fields they were attached to – faithful to the work, no improvisation. Ann-Helena Schlüter is moving in both worlds: She is a trained classical pianist, an excellent one, as evidenced by a multitude of awards. But she is also a singer/songwriter. The artist studied at the conservatories/universities of Cologne, Detmold, Phoenix, Würzburg, Leipzig, gives concerts worldwide, in Ireland, Sweden, Scotland, Russia.’

Elke Brunhöber, HAZ

“Excellent feel, poetic and dramatic, delicate, natural.”

Martin Linde, MDR, Tonmeister

“An extraordinary evening of music with verve and sensitivity: she philosophized using her fingers, a keyboard poet and master of the nuances.”

A. Holtfort, LN Lübecker Nachrichten

‚Masterly, fresh like spring and exuberant, serenely cheerful performance, rewarded with much applause.’

Beate Waltz, Trossinger Zeitung

‘The young exceptional artist transports atmosphere, proves her true mastery here. With exuberant, fiery runs that took up the entire scale of the grand piano, it was always about storytelling which was effected with admirable sovereignty. Her own compositions at the end of the concert spoke for themselves.’

Josef Riedmann, Osthessen-Zeitung

‘Liszt and poetry on Cologne’s homepage: Some people have a curriculum vitae that leaves you speechless. This young pianist is one of them. And she continues to decorate her biography with successes.’

Klaus Limbacher, Kölnische Rundschau

‘Singing cantilenas with an intimate melodiousness: The audience applauded encores at the Staatsbad. Musical art of a special kind by the sought-after soloist in the Franconian Forest. Pianist of world renown in the Kurhaussaal Bad Steben.‘

Reinhold Singer, Frankenpost

‚Always practising, writing and practising in alternate sequence: the author generation Ann-Helena Schlüter.’

Barbara Horn, Plärrer Stadtmagazin Nürnberg

‚Heavenly Tones and the epic work Wohltemperiertes Klavier by Bach, her favourite composer. She mastered the monumental work with great virtuosity.’


‘The final performance and highlight of the Kunst-Werk week in Lungern, Switzerland of the artist movement Das Rad was the vernissage with piano music and their works.’

B. Scheidegger, Lungener WB

‘You could almost physically feel the turmoil and tumult in her playing of Chopin, then the movement of the waves and the power of the tides … The spark was lit and the pianist surprised with her vocals. She proved not only to be an excellent piano player, but also to have a soft, carrying voice as she sang and played her own songs at the end.’

Guy-Pascal Dorner, Südkurier Ravensburg

‚ … fascinating moments with glass, light and sound: the highlight on Saturday was the piano concert by pianist Ann-Helena Schlüter from Würzburg. She captivated the also the young visitors with classical piano pieces by Bach, Chopin and Haydn as well as her own compositions, songs, poems and improvisations. Her poems were particularly moving. She accompanied the audience until well into the evening twilight, so that with the illumination of the artworks in the garden art complex, a fascinating atmosphere was created that enchanted everyone. ‘

Kultur-Schaufenster Höxter/Lütmarsen

‚Never have we seen anybody playing the piano with such dexterity. She does not only play, she feels the music and creates goose-bumps at the audience. One could think Frèdèric Chopin had written his ballads just for her.’

Fabian Welke, leguano-Interview 2019

“Ann-Helenas Talent als profilierte, klassische Pianistin zeigt sich in ihren Liedern. Diese begabte, junge Frau hat eine internationale Zukunft vor sich.”

Marion Warrington, Aufatmen

“A very talented artist, set wide, excellent.”

Patrick Kavanaugh, Founder Masterworks Festival USA

‚Concertante author reading: Taken into unusually luminous and bizarre worlds of sound in language and composition.’

ANN, Abendzeitung Nürnberg

“… New musical discovery! Delicate and strong at the same time!
… delicate, dramatic, beautiful, weightless…’

Malte Wördemann, Wittlager Kreisblatt

‘Stadt-Kultur: Kulturtage im Weingut: Chopin ballads resound, played extremely impressive with very sensitive antennas.’

Monika Dietz, Volksblatt

‘A female Keith Jarrett at the grand piano, a voice like Björk. Slender fingers, small hands, sound poetry at the highest level.’

Conny Reusch, Neue Westfälische

‚Die Konzertsaison ist in vollem Gang, heute Gera, morgen Uelzen, übermorgen die Bankenmetropole, dann Leipzig und Magdeburg. Zum Gespräch erwischt man sie auf der Zugfahrt.‘

Dominik Röding, Tiepolo Mainpost

‚Concert stories, poetic, humorous, piano power.’

Britta Gansebohm, Salonkultur Berlin

‚German-Swedish artist from a family of musicians combines high musical competence and professional creativity, own Nordic piano compositions, classical music to dream and wonder, amazing lyricist. The prize-winner thrilled the audience in a live performance; her skill and her way touched: an emotional heart moving the keys.’

maz, Appenzeller Zeitung, Schweiz

‘Powerful and cautious at the same time, Ann-Helena Schlüter traverses the interwoven boundaries between language, poetry and music and their shared artistic poetry.’

Prof. Heike Henning, Mozarteum Salzburg 2019

‘Conversation concert Bach’s Kunst der Fuge (Art of the Fugue) – after her concert at the 47th Bach Days, the young Bach expert touched her audience with explanations of Bach’s life.’

Mathias Wiedemann, Mainpost Würzburg

‚Creating a dramatic painting of sounds with dynamic contrasts, excellent with spiritual permeation, at the same time swinging and uncomplicated on the grand piano. Well, if you are so gifted…’ is one of the admiring intermission comments from visitors.’

Alfred Eichhorn, Hersbrucker Land

‘Her texts are excellently written, exciting and suggestive. In ‘Free as the Birds’: the whole horror in the Third Reich becomes evident, an important book against forgetting.’

Dr. Else Pelke, Historikerin 2019

‘In addition to technical skill, the Schlüter piano duo of sisters Ann-Helena and Magdalena Schlüter demonstrated a keen sense of agogic and dynamics, homogeneous playing, delicate and spirited. A pleasure to listen to, a duo excellently attuned to each other, everything from one cast.’

Helmut Jasny, Nürnberger Nachrichten

‘There was a premiere in the Martinskirche and the Anti-War House in Sievershausen/Hanover: for the first time, there was a piano concert there. The versatile artist, highly gifted, classically trained in several master classes, also presented her own works.’

Walter Klinger, Lehrte/Sievershausen

‘Her artistic skills are so numerous that it is better to read them off. Piano poetry at its best. Both sides of her, poetry and music, are worth seeing and hearing.’

Literarisches Leben, Autorenverband Franken

She lives for and from art. Only one percent of all music college graduates manage that. For women, this is even harder. As she says: ‘God is the greatest artist’. A piece of her life is in her notes. A big piece.”

BR, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

‚Her great love is music.’

Mickey Wiese,

‚A poetic night: the poet and pianist showed language art and imagination in an original way, a secret star.’

Westfalen Blatt, Zeitung für Enger, Westfalenpost, Westfälisches Literaturbüro Unna

‚Culture Hohenlohe: she is the future of classical music. Wide musical variety, sound, fiery, profound knowledge.’

Ingrid Heydecke-Seidel,

‚An exceptional artist.‘

Johannes Warth

‚Art is her thing, in all facets: poems, songs, paintings – and especially piano. And she does all with a charming smile.’

Piera Reich, Aufatmen Magazin

‚Bach’s last work of fugues in Rysum: Under the motto Flying Bach, the pianist played an impressive concert themed “World Classics”: music, lust for life and passion, masterfully interpreted.’

Kreiszeitung Rysum

‘Ann-Helena Schlüter writes with empathy – in our inner eye we are with her, in the prison cells, on the last metres to the guillotine.’

Jochen Proske, Referent Erzbischöfliche Stiftung Lübecker Märtyrer und Archiv

‘Intensiv interpretation av svensk musik.‘

Sommarkyrkoguiden Sverige

‘From the residential town of Detmold: accomplished pianist, finely graduated tone, profound pianistic ability.’

Multhaupt, Lippische Landes-Zeitung

‘Every year is a milestone in her development, always reaching head and heart, church music becoming music.’

Ralf Wieland, Mara Events

‘Piano Liturgy. Songs of Heaven. Concert Service. Song sermons. The musical service: chorales under a new guise, songs to think about and sing along with, pieces from one’s own pen, a fine feeling for melodies. Ecumenical meeting places. Topics of her piano sermons include: How does it feel to live as a musician with God? What is the difference between performance and excellence?’

Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Würzburg

‘Heavenly tones. Masterful playing! Faithful and award-winning pianist and musicologist in Leipzig! Her works downright blossom, glassy and pearly, very fine arpeggios.’

Elim Magazin Leipzig 2017

‘German culture on the grand piano: Ann-Helena Schlüter, who simultaneously writes her own sensitive songs and improvises on Bach, fine and intense at the piano – she kisses new things awake, memories and thoughts. A comforting, bright voice between his hands at the piano.’

Andreas Prangenberg, Luke Ludwigsburg 2017

‚Rich in imagery, vivid, very intense language, and entertaining – the stories really come to life in your mind’s eye when she writes. Great writing talent with good, important texts!’

Hagen Kunze, Musikwissenschaftler und Autor 2018

‘Shepherd’s Flute and Root Dwarf – the littlest ones at the piano, the joy of playing was in the foreground, the two youngest up-and-coming pianists in her piano class were just three years old.’

Ulrike Kiesel, Stadtmagazin Nürnberg

‚Virtuoso duet of sisters at the grand piano!’

ARD, Tagesschau und Rundschau

‚Tempo, confident, a high-altitude flight, a mature interpretation.’

Ferdinand Heilgenthal, Kleine Zeitung

‚In their deeper meaning, her texts reveal an ironically deconstructive game of catch ball with reality, thus questioning the binding nature of linguistically graspable truth that is postulated as objective: an author from whom a lot is yet to come due to her intelligence, power of language and competence.’

Dr. Reinhard Kacianka, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt 2017 zum 1. Preis Villacher Literaturwettbewerb

‘There is an art that is soft, delicate and strong: heavenly songs by this pianist. The young musician describes music as a gift from God with which she bestowes to others.”

Ines Weber, Lydia Magazin 2018

‘Best in class Bach: Bach as an event. The Würzburg pianist distinguishes herself with Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, not Rachmaninoff on Hänssler Classic.’

CLASS aktuell Germany 2017

‚The future of classical music – the Schlüter concept: creative, reputable, multi-award-winning, tongue-in-cheek.’

Martin Perscheid, Cartoonist

‘Passion for Bach:
Ann-Helena Schlüter presents her view of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier I on the hänssler CLASSIC label.
Her relationship with the composer Bach has shaped the pianist’s musical career like no other:
As an artist, she sees herself as a master of illumination and directs the attention, the light: This means for me: more listening than acting. Eventually, acting is a matter of course. I open up my own world to the listeners, not mine. I open up a world in which they discover and hear their own: Their own wonders, spaces, wishes and feelings.’

Kerstin Hänssler, Hänssler Classic 2017

‚Confident, individual ways of songwriting with groovy sounds and jazz elements.’

Ralf Buck, Charisma

“No cloud falls lower than blue:
This verse from a new poem metaphorically sums up what her texts intend: to view the idyll of nature upside down, out of its own negation, thus pointing to the transience of human existence. She succeeds in making poetic breaks and rearrangements in the observation of everything seemingly familiar, combined with a good feeling for rhythm and lyrical form. Her poems are pictorial, hallucinatory, as if intoxicated, are sound, music translated, a wondering look at today’s world with cracks.”

Kurt Drawert, Schriftsteller / Zentrum Literatur Darmstadt

“In strong and delicate lines, the musician, who plays on every continent, expresses her thoughts, her skills and her feelings in music and poetry. Musical and literary double talent. Looking back and looking forward at the same time. A great artist.”

Neue Oberaargauer Zeitung, Schweiz

‚A star in contemporary classical music. A linguistic and musical piece of art.’

‚A very talented woman.‘

Nicola Vollkommer, Autorin

‘An organ has to warm up first, while a grand piano can erupt immediately, only to disappear again in a whispering fog. But even a large church organ can become a chamber music instrument when a grand piano tames it.’

Daniel Staffen, neun7 Würzburg

‘Ann-Helena Schlüter is at home in the professional classical music scene, an artist who expresses her thoughts in delicate text pictures and beautiful melodies.
Concert pianist of German-Swedish origin breaks new musical ground: songs from the midst of life, in German, English and Swedish.’

Gerth Medien

‚Bach artist at two instruments.‘

Leipziger Lokal- und Universitäts-Radio Mephisto

‚A top-class piano experience!’

Lohrer Echo

‚The audience experiences a concert event full of sparkling and dreamy music and thought-provoking interludes. The pianist sings her own songs on the piano, the instruments are an equal part of the pieces. Through the synergy of the interplay, a new, further dimension emerges during the improvisation: music out of the inspiration of the moment, drawing value from its uniqueness, the creativity of a third party, expression of the golden ratio, which shows itself in the proportions of creation, music and art.’

Annekatrin Warnke, Christsein heute

‘A gifted personality, a very characteristic voice, honest lyrics, authentic songs, should be heard on the big radio stations.’

Heiko Bräuning, Pfarrer, Fernsehgottesdienst Bibel TV, Stunde des Höchsten

‚An enormous range of creative and artistic performance … she lives music with all facets, breathes in and indulges in the musical notes which gather before her.’

Herbert Heuscher,

‚A passionate piano evening, a recital of power and virtuosity: Liszt, Beethoven and Bachs Chromatic.’

Basellandschaftliche Zeitung 2018

‚Bach’s girl: she burns for Bach, gives international concerts and writes her doctor’s thesis.’

Ramona Eibach, Idea Spektrum 2018 und

“The young talented german pianist Ann-Helena with wide repertoire and versatility plays around Europe and the world.”

Prof. Walter Cosand, Arizona State University, USA

‚New sounds from a very different direction.’

Tobi Grimm, Radio Gong Würzburg

‚Drawing intense paintings, individual perspective, up-to-date, soothing, reality of life.’

Lektorat Verlag 3.0

‚A gifted pianist, an extraordinary poet who has developed her very own way of expressing her thoughts and feelings. With a light hand, she conjures up the fifth evangelist Bach on the piano. She writes: His music is that of consolation. His music stretches towards heaven.’

Martina Eibach, Antenne ERF TV 2018

‘Chopin pianist on the grand piano: expressive, almost breathless, the powerful and virtuoso performance of the young artist to marvel at: technically brilliant, expressive, uninhibited. It is impressive how she masters the whirlwind of cantabile gestures with striking octave cascades and fierce running. Reading excerpts from her curriculum vitae, one is awestruck by her parentage and the many awards she has won. Breathtaking how she intercepts wild passages in the mezzo piano. In the coda, an artful compositional climax, she offers up everything in brilliance.’

Heydecke, Hohenloher Zeitung

“Himlasång – Himmelslieder: The very well attended recital at the grand piano of the Spitalkirche Öhrigen with the pianist Ann-Helena Schlüter, organised by the catholic parish St Joseph, with Bach, Chopin, Beethoven and her own compositions, the Himmelslieder, enthused.”

Der Öhringer, Stadtmagazin

“World class at the grand piano. The Spitalkirche has never heard anything like this – the artist appears modest and natural, moderates the evening almost breathlessly and spontaneously, appears uncomplicated and authentic, accurate, virtuosic and expressive on the grand piano, from Hiob to Himmelslieder, plus Bach, Chopin, Beethoven – immersed!”

Hersfelder Zeitung, Neuenstein

“She is a creative Musician and Worshiper in the church.”

Kaspars Ezerin, Latvia

“Restrained and at the same time emotionally forceful, Schlüter in Hohenroth- an outstanding concert in an unusual duo line-up, musically sensitive, excellent compositions by Ann-Helena Schlüter.”

Ulf Kampfmeier, Mainpost und Fränkisches Volksblatt

“Intensive Art, alles mit Klang zu füllen.”

Lothar Reichel, Radio Charivari

“Geschmeidig beginnt sie, streichelt beim Übergreifen im poetischen Teil die Tasten, meistert alle Tücken wie Oktavskalen und Trillerketten.”

Hour of Power

“In den Solo-Stücken zeigte sich die Virtuosität der Pianistin, die auch eigene Lieder und Jazz spielt.”

Dr. Apostolov, Charivari 102,4

“Die schwedisch-deutsche Autorin mit besonderer Stärke in Lyrik in Wort und Musik, schönem, zarten, großartigem, dichtem lyrischen Erzählen in der Prosa, ausdrucksstarken Bildern, sie schafft Zugang zu verborgenen, inneren Räumen, reißt Sehnsüchte auf, zeigt das Reden, Säuseln ihrer Figuren: Literatur auf hohem Niveau: Ihre Texte sind beeindruckende Kunstwerke und Kleinode.”

Christian Meyer, Chef-Lektor Fontis Verlag Basel 2017

“Mit Tasten gewebte Musik: Das herausragendste Instrumentalwerk Bachs, die Kunst der Fuge, von dieser Pianistin wunderschön eingespielt, hochkomplexes Gewebe zum Staunen.”

Jonathan Steinert, pro Medienmagazin 2017

“Very fine European musician and composer.”

Bert Robledo, Radio Manila, Philippinen

“Ihre neue CD Com’Ann: vielseitig, absolut genial, fast schwedisch- französischer Piano-Chansons, emotionales Kunstwerk. Unkonventionell, für zweifellos anspruchsvolle Hörer. Sehr hörenswert.”

Andreas Schwemmlein, Presse CVJM Bayern

“Piano Songs in Hannover: Die Pianistin mischt klassische Werke mit modernen Eigenkompositionen, ein Tongewölbe, begeisternd, in der besonderes Akustik der großen Arkade.”

Siegfried Müller, ARKADIA Hannover

“Beautiful compositions, personal songs, very beautiful and original, very fine piano playing.”

Acueil Music, Paris, Miguel Yisrael

“Es gibt Hingucker! Und Hinhörer! Stücke, Arrangements und Texte stammen aus ihrer Feder. Sie sitzt am Flügel und an den Keyboards. Und sie singt. Das alles ist von ungewöhnlicher Intensität.
Ann-Helena — diesen Namen sollte man sich merken!”

Jürgen Werth, ERF Vorstand, Werthe Gäste

“In der St. Michaelskirche: Ann-Helena Schlüter faszinierte mit romantischer Orgelmusik, Bach und eigenen Werken.”

Rödelsee, infranken

“Neues Highlight auf dem Rudert-Festival: Schlüter-Duo und Familienharmonie: Vier Hände tanzten über die Tasten.”

hpz, Südwest-Presse

“She excelled as a performer, superb pianism, a rare-to-find passion and love for the music, displaying a strong sense for great instrumental repertoire.”

Prof. Eckart Sellheim, Arizona State University, USA

“Sie weckt das gesamte Gefühlsspektrum von zart, heiter, bestimmt, leicht, einfühlsam, legt sie vertrauensvoll in die Herzen des Publikums.”

Johanna Frank, Kultur- und Bildungsagentur, posiTV

“Bad Bocklet: Die Pianistin spielte im Pavillon: Klangvolle Reise, glasklare Schlussklänge.”

pau, Mainpost

“Biedenkopf: Ungewöhnliche, extravagante Klangbilder in den Improvisationen am Flügel: Die Expressionistin Ann-Helena Schlüter zum Tag des Denkmals mit seltenem Konzert.”

Inken Kleibömer, Oberhessische Presse

“Eisenach: Zur Sanierung der Knauf-Orgel in der Ruhlaer Trinitatiskirche spielte Ann-Helena Schlüter mit Musiker-Trio virtuos Bernsteins West-Side-Story.”

Susanne Reinhardt, Thüringer Allgemeine

“Schreibende Pianistin, Kultur in Regensburg: Eine vielseitige Künstlerin, so eine Erfolgsgeschichte wie die Würzburger Musikerin kann nicht jeder aufweisen. Das Üben hat sich ausgezahlt, die viele Zeit in Übezellen.”

Mittelbayerische Zeitung

“… ein Genie am Piano!”

Johanna Claar, TV Touring Würzburg/Schweinfurt

“Eine starke Lyrikerin, mit der Grabbe wohl seine Freude gehabt hätte. Sowohl in ihrem lyrischen Schaffen als auch in ihrer Prosa nimmt sie die LeserInnen auf einen semantischen Parforce Ritt mit. Sie spielt mit der Sprache, tanzt mit Bedeutungen und Anspielungen Menuett und verschiebt so scherzando die sprachlichen Grenzen von Welt.”

Michaela Wölfle, Lektorat SCM Verlag 2018

“She received a full scholarship because of her great performance. Classicaly alive.”

Wayne Bailey, Director School of Music Arizona State University, USA

“Hochbegabte Künstlerin!”

Peter Hain, Westfalen-Blatt

“Der allgegenwärtige Bach und die junge, deutsche Pianistin: ein schönes Gespann.”

Oliver Heuthe, SBS Radio Melbourne (Deutsche in Melbourne)

“Sie wagt einen Blick auf Bach, wie wir ihn dringend brauchen: Eine kompetente Musikerin, die nicht nur aktiv im Konzertleben steht, sondern auch als Musikwissenschaftlerin denkt, begibt sich auf die Suche nach dem, was seine Musik im Kern ausmacht, fragt unermüdlich nach dem tiefen Sinn dessen, was in den Noten steht, und hat es sich zum Anliegen gemacht, die Auseinandersetzung mit Bach nicht im Expertenkreis zu belassen, sondern vor allem heutige Jugendliche für seine Werke zu begeistern, Hemmschwellen zu überwinden. Ein zugleich fundierter und höchst leidenschaftlicher Zugang zu Bachs Musik, der
die mutige Deutung nicht scheut und damit zum Weiterfragen anregt.”

Jan Katzschke (Hannover/Dresden), Cembalist, Organist, Dirigent 2019

“She enjoys the widest variety of music, solo literature, chamber music, coaching, contemporary works, vocal accompanying. She is staff accompanist, and her strong intellectual curiosity, thirst and drive for knowledge will serve her well in any faculty position.”

Dr. Andrew Campbell, Arizona State University Phoenix, USA

“Ihr beeindruckender Lehrerfolg, dokumentiert durch die ausnahmslos überdurchschnittlichen Abschlüsse von Absolventen, beruht nicht nur auf ihren langjährigen, einschlägigen Erfahrungen im Konzertbereich und als Pädagogin mit fachlicher Kompetenz, sondern auch auf ihrem persönlichen Interesse an Weiterbildung in interdisziplinärer Hinsicht. In kurzer Zeit erregten ihre Fähigkeiten bemerkenswert großes Aufsehen.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Brusniak, Würzburg, Zentrum für Musikforschung

“Her showy talent and high potential as an emerging artist merit acknowledgement and congratulations.”

Michele Morgan-Dufour, Toradze Concerto Institute Indiana University, USA

“Eine der begabtesten und prophetischsten Frauen, die ich kenne.”

Heidi Laubscher, Gebetshaus Amden, Schweiz

“Beautiful Lecture Recitals in Manila, Philippines!”

Peter Porticos, Alwin Reamillo, Ateneo de Manila

“Beeindruckend, berührend.
Zurückhaltend und gleichzeitig emotional eindringlich.
Selten erlebt man heute noch solch einen Melodienreichtum auf einem Songwriter-Album.”

Michael Ende, sound 7

“Pianistin weihte in die Geheimnisse Bachs ein.”

Zwarte, Ostfriesenzeitung Rysum

“Im Feld der lyrischen Improvisation zuhause, eine breit aufgestellte musikalische Persönlichkeit, herausragende Qualitäten als klassische Pianistin.”

Prof. Hans Peter Salentin, HfM Würzburg


Jürgen Werth interviewt Ann-Helena Schlüter
Chopin g-Moll Ballade
Chopin Balladen